5 Beautiful Climbing Plants For Your Privacy Trellis!
What Is a Privacy Trellis?

Newbie outdoor decorators and gardeners might not know exactly what that is. A privacy trellis is often made out of wood or metal and acts as a sort of screen to provide shade, decoration, and some privacy. To maximize these benefits of a privacy trellis, also known as a yard trellis, many gardeners place climbing plants around the base of the trellis so that the plants will grow up around the trellis. It’s a simple way to pack a big visual punch.
Plus, by growing up, you are adding a stunning visual depth to your garden. You can even arrange different plants together on the same trellis, coordinating their colors or alternating their blooming schedules. The possibilities are endless!
The Top 5 Climbing Plants That You Need for Your Privacy Trellis
To help you decide which climbing plant you want to use for your new privacy trellis, I put together a list of the best blooms to use. These plants are sturdy enough that a green thumb isn’t required, they will make your garden smell amazing, and they have gorgeous blooms. What more could you want?
Honeysuckle is a hugely popular plant, and for good reason. It smells beautifully sweet and blooms from early summer to the fall. And best of all, it’s a hardy plant that thrives easily and can grow to be fairly tall, with heights between 6 and 15 feet.
Honeysuckle is the perfect plant for a privacy trellis because its vines will twist their way into the trellis, loping up and down and back and forth to create a thick foliage with lots and lots of flowers. Plus, Honeysuckle can attract some of the prettiest garden visitors—hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees!
Depending on the variety, your Honeysuckle may thrive in full sun or part shade. But they all prefer cool soil for their roots, so make sure to place some flagstone down to deflect the sun’s heat.
Like Honeysuckle, there are a bunch of different varieties of Jasmine, and pretty much all of them are great options for yard trellises.
When you think of Jasmine, you might think of a perfume or a candle. It’s a popular scent, known for its floral beauty, and the real thing doesn’t disappoint. The common Jasmine plant is the most fragrant variety, blooming throughout the summer and early fall. Common Jasmine is also a fast grower, spreading 12 to 24 inches a year.
If you thought that was impressive, listen to this: night-blooming Jasmine can grow between 3 and 12 feet in a year! They do well in sun and shade, and their scent is beautiful and strong. Night-blooming Jasmine flowers throughout the summer, but keep in mind that it sheds worse than a German Shepard, so you’ll have to sweep it regularly.
Climbing Hydrangea
Hydrangeas are one of the superstars of the plant world—they're so popular and some people are obsessed. Lucky for all you Hydrangea fans, there is a climbing variety (that can grow up to 50 feet) for your yard trellis!
With white summer flowers and yellow leaves in autumn, they prefer to avoid heavy sun in the spring and can be slow to grow at first. They will also need to be protected from the winter for the first few years. Hydrangeas may be the most challenging plant to grow on this list, but their sheer visual impact makes it a top choice. Plus, after their first few years, they become much hardier and grow exponentially faster.
You want to plant them in either early spring or autumn. If you must plant them in the summer, they will need a lot of water. And no matter what, Hydrangeas need good draining while avoiding root rot. They payoff is a gorgeous bloom starting in the beginning of summer and lasting until the middle of the fall.
Unlike a hydrangea, Clematis can grow in lots of different climates, sun-levels, and soil conditions. Plus, it grows quickly. Recently, Clematis has become very popular and now it’s easy to find in any plant nursery.
In just a few months, Clematis can scrape the ceiling at 30 feet, so they are perfect if you want privacy fast. Clematis is primarily considered a vine with gorgeous foliage, but it does have small white blooming flowers in the late summer that will make your yard trellis look beautiful.
Clematis likes cool roots and lots of sun and water when it is first growing, but it also does well in partial shade. Different varieties have different kinds of flowers and bloom at different times. If you plant different varieties together, you’ll have blooming Clematis throughout the summer!
Morning Glory
If you want to make your privacy trellis bright and beautiful, Morning Glories are the perfect choice. They bloom in the morning, as you may expect, and in lots of different colors, like red, purple, and yellow. However, they won’t grow as high as some of these other plants: they usually stop growing after about 10 feet.
Morning Glories like lots of sun and dry soil and are very easy to grow. One word of advice: get an organic pesticide because aphids love to snack on a Morning Glory.

Looking for a New Privacy Trellis?
If you need a beautiful, durable metal privacy trellis, turn to Coastal Metal Art & Design. We are a family-owned business that produces handmade metal goods, including wall art, yard trellises, privacy screens and more. Contact us today to find the perfect metal trellis for you!