How Do I Maintain Around My Metal Frames?
As we’ve mentioned so many times on the blog, we sell unique high-quality metal frame designs with attractive geometric nature and patterns, the kinds of things that really make any property look elegant.
Our customers love the versatility and build of these attractive property enhancements, but there is some maintenance that's required to make your frames look their best.
Specifically, if you are installing these frames outdoors, in a yard or around a patio space, or elsewhere in a place that Mother Nature inhabits, you're going to need to deal with the inevitable concept of keeping the area around your installation looking neat and tidy.
How do you mow around a metal frame? This is some of what we’ve learned as we provide these items to customers.
Moving Frames
One of the easiest solutions is to make your frame installations portable enough that these items can be moved for mowing. That small simple task of moving the frame away and mowing under it keeps your property looking spick-and-span. But it’s not the only way to go.
Specialized Equipment
Others who don't want to be constantly moving installations around the yard like to go with a weed whacking machine that can get into those small areas near the bottom of the frame, and just neatly and efficiently lop off tall grass and weeds.
The pros? A nice, even look for your manicured lawn space. The cons? Small gas engines or other power sources can be a nuisance. You can also opt for a corded or non-corded electric version. We recommend the battery-operated model without a cord, just because it’s easy to get tangled up in the line as you go otherwise.
Pay Somebody
Then there's always that last resort solution favored by those who have the funds to simply outsource a lot of their property maintenance over time.
In other words, somebody will deal with all of that stuff for you, if you pay them enough.
But enough about all that. What we offer is excellent wrought-iron products made with .14 gauge American steel. Our role is to offer you products that will look great in your yard, no matter where you put them, and give your property more curb appeal. Take a look at these designs, some inspired by nature (leaf and stem patterns, for example) and others following cultural and historic designs beloved by generations. All of this is available on our web site for easy delivery. Get yours today.